Go, Erin, go!

Working mom, wife, food-lover, ultra-runner(?). This is my life.

Fresh Picks Dinner #1 January 20, 2008

Filed under: Fresh Picks — Erin @ 9:51 pm
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Alan and I have joined a local CSA (community supported agriculture) delivery called Irv and Shelly’s Fresh Picks.  We get a delivery every Wednesday filled with fresh, mostly local, organic produce.  This week was our first delivery, and it was not a let down.  We received red lead lettuce, cabbage, yukon gold potatoes, onions, kale, beets, apple preserves, and marinara sauce.  I wasn’t sure joining in the winter would be the most exciting time to sign up, but we’re certain to get whatever is possibly best this time of year.  It should make winter a little less bleak.

 Last night, Alan put the kale, onions, and potatoes to good use.  He made braised short ribs for six hours in a red wine/ veal stock combination.  He had made the veal stock last weekend and froze it.  The short ribs were so delicate we only used a butter knife to “cut” the meat.  It simply just fell off the bone.  He decided to braise the kale with just a little red pepper flake and garlic.   It was my first known experience with kale and I have to say, I really enjoyed it.  It was kind of nutty, kind of bitter.  It reminded me somewhat of broccoli rabe.  He also made awesome whipped potatoes with the yukon golds that were just incredible.  I am a huge potato fan, especially mashed/ whipped potatoes.  These were so light, fluffy and flavorful.

A wonderful meal from our first Fresh Picks delivery!  I think we’ll be having a nice beet salad with the left over short ribs tomorrow night and stuffed cabbage on Tuesday.

Tonight we are going to Sweets and Savories for dinner to celebrate.  We’re celebrating 15 years together and my passing my personal training certification.  I am looking forward to seeing what tasty goodness we’ll be treated to this evening!

Being delivered this coming Wednesday from Fresh Picks:  carrots, fingerling potatoes, garlic, tofu, and shallots, plus non-local broccoli, grapefruit and lettuce.  I’m sure we’ll make some good meals out of it!