Go, Erin, go!

Working mom, wife, food-lover, ultra-runner(?). This is my life.

Friday night, time to be boring February 29, 2008

Filed under: Alan,Cook's Widow,marathon,Pesonal Training — Erin @ 7:49 pm

Alan is a bit lucky that I am a cook’s widow on Fridays.  You see, when training for a marathon, or other major athletic endurance event, you can be quite boring the night before your big training day. 

For me, my long runs are on Saturdays, which means Friday nights I am lowkey (read boring) sitting at home eating pasta and drinking water.  Okay, it’s not that sad, and it’s not always pasta, but it is pretty chill.  I was invited to happy hour again and had to pass.  I need to get my butt in gear and get serious about these Saturday runs.   I do not need to go to happy hour, have a few too many beers, and end up salsa dancing the night before a run.

So, tonight I’m hanging out with Riley doing laundry.  I did whip up a tasty pasta dish for dinner, no recipe involved.  I made lemon-pepper shrimp with spaghetti and peas (I love peas and add them where ever I can).  I added olive oil to a hot skillet and added in about a quarter to half teaspoon of red pepper flakes.  I then added the shrimp and sauteed for a few minutes.  I added the peas, juice of half a lemon, and then tossed with cooked spaghetti.  Man, it was good!  I’m going to have to make that again, perhaps next Friday night.

I remember when I was training for my first marathon.  Alan was training for a cycling event at the same time, but his event was about six weeks before my marathon.  So come Friday evening, he was ready to go out for some cocktails and unwind.  Me, I wanted (and needed) to go home, rest, and go to sleep early.  It drove him nuts at times.  So, with his new career, he isn’t impacted too much by my training schedule.  He’s at work when I’m doing most of my training rituals.

On another note, I’ve been brought on by a local university’s rec center to be a personal trainer!  I had a second interview yesterday and received the good news at the end of it.  I’m going to do a few sessions with some of the student employees to get some practice before I deal with a paying client.  I’m pretty stoked! 

Okay, time to switch out laundry and start to really unwind for the night.  I’ve mapped out my route for my 12 miles tomorrow.  The weather looks okay, it could be better.  It looks like it’s supposed to be about 20 degrees out, 10 degrees with wind chill.  Go, Erin, go!