Go, Erin, go!

Working mom, wife, food-lover, ultra-runner(?). This is my life.

“Reading” while running March 30, 2014

Filed under: running,ultra running — Erin @ 7:43 pm

Today I gave listening to a book while running my long run today (5 miles). A few of my book club buddies swear by it and I was finishing up The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, so I thought this was a good time to test it out. I think it really did help! Listening to the story distracted me from my miles and if anything, I was afraid my run would end before the book ended. While I did enjoy it, I won’t do it all the time. I like my rock music (and occasional bad pop and good rap/hip hop) to get me pumped and to keep me going.

All in all, it was a good run. I ran a solid 11:00 minute mile and while it isn’t super fast, today was about distance, not pace. So, I’m happy.


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